
III - Sinchronize Skeinforge with Repetier Host.


Hello again.

In this post we will see how they perform very easily the gcode with Repetier Host, and so get:

- An awesome Gcode viewer, in real time.
- Generate Gcode at a rate 3 times higher, very useful for making quick changes in the supporting structures or not to invest much time in complex models.

Get the software, for your operating system:


Then PyPy, complement speeding up the process:


PyPy supports Python 2.7 (if you have not previously updated):


Proceed to install Repetier Host and Pypy. And run Repetier.

(We should clarify that this software also allows you to control the operation of your printer, but for practical reasons, only going to generate, visualize and manipulate the resulting gcode, without connecting our Rapman to the PC).

We configure our Rapman printer (Ctrl+P), definining only the following parameters:

Then in the menu on the right, we found icons to work with our objects (in that order):

View cross section

Once you add the object, you can rotate or move the scene, move the object, zoom or define a specific point of view. With the left button and the mouse wheel we can interact with the object and the scene.

On the menu tab Slicer, on the right, let's set Skeinforge and PyPy:

We will indicate directory paths, to synchronize Repetier with PyPy and Skeinforge:

The routes would be something like:

I:\3D Printer\3D Printer\Skeinforge-0041\skeinforge_application\skeinforge.py
I:\3D Printer\3D Printer\Skeinforge-0041\skeinforge_application\skeinforge_plugins\craft.py
I:\3D Printer\3D Printer\Skeinforge-0041\skeinforge_application\profiles

I:\3D Printer\3D Printer\pypy-5.1.1-win32\pypy.exe

Where I: is the drive where you have installed the software and the other routes, such as you have on your PC.

And with the CONFIGURE button opens the front end of Skeinforge, so you make the changes you require for creating codes:

Pressed the button SLICE WITH SKEINFORGE and run the code generation process for the object you import.

The code is generated and we can visualize and manipulate in 3D:

And if we can define all layers or only a range of layers:

Now, let's save the resulting code. Open the tab EDIT GCODE and save the code.

And then look at the lines of the beginning and end of gcode. 

The will replace for our print, to be clean and smooth, and we have a similar experience to our original Rapman.

Open the gcode in the Notepad or other basic text editor (v.g. Notepad++).

The initial lines can be replaced with the following (for PLA):

; Generated with Skeinforge 041 - Repetier.
; Start gcode with preheated hot end and extrude filament 180mm.
G28 ; homing
G90 ; absolute positioning
M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ; Turn off fan
G1 Z10.0 F3000 ; move the platform down 10mm
G1 Z3.0 X260.0 Y8.0 ; send extruder to checkpoint
M109 T0 S195 ; preheat to 195°C
G1 X260.0 Y8.0 E0 ; zero the extruded length
G1 F120 E180 ; extrude 180 mm of feed stock
G1 X130.0 Y100.0 Z10.0 F3000 ; send extruder to checkpoint
G92 E0 ; reset extruder
M109 T0 S195 ; preheat to 195°C

And the final, as follows:

; Default end code
G91 ; Relative positioning
G1 Z10.0 F3000 ; lower the platform 10 mm, after the last layer
G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure
M107 ; turn off fan
M104 T0 S0 ; thermistor off - low temperature
G90 ; Absolute positioning


Save the gcode, and ready.
To enjoy your Rapman!


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